Εrror 2101:Τhe file/filename.txt coult not be found

Can not find the file "KALIKRATIS.txt"

The file is in the folder /storage/emulated/0/KALIKRATIS.txt
I get the message

> Εrror 2101:Τhe file/KALIKRATIS.txt coult not be found

I have android 11
what's wrong?

thanks but i did not understand what to do.
Please anyone who can write an example

store your file in the shared storage /Download to be able to read it...
see also


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I have copy paste the file KALIKRATIS.TXT in the folder
but not work!
do I have to change the path in the block?
examble from
filename "/KALIKRATIS.TXT" to filename "/Download/KALIKRATIS.TXT"

also in

I do not see anywhere in my phone


but only


it's the same?

also i do not understand anymore is the packageName ? Is the Name of my app?

please answer me because all the work I did should be given up.
please write me a simple example
It is a pity to leave the project because I changed my mobile and I have an android11 and suddenly my app is not working

Please explain how your text file will be used, why it needs to be in the /Download folder, where it comes from in the first place.

I would recommend you call in the file through your app from an on line resource into your ASD folder, this will ensure that you can read (and write if needed) to the file.

You can no longer access non-media files (.txt) in the root dir of the external storage or an arbitrary folder on Android 11+.

In order to be able to access such files,

  1. They must be in one of the Shared folders (/Documents or /Download) and must have been created by the app itself.

  2. They must be in the ASD.
    (In this case, it doesn't matter if the file was created by the app or manually copied to the ASD, using a file manager.)

  3. Or use the Storage Access Framework (SAF).
    (But in this case you can’t access:
    3.1. /storage/emulated/0/ (the root dir of the external storage) and
    3.2. /storage/emulated/0/Download/
    But you can access:
    3.3. /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/)


and how do I do that? I do not know what is ASD. What exactly should I do?

Read post #4.

Because I do not understand what exactly I need to do, let's go to the other solution

tell me below how exactly to do it

how is this going to be done ?
Is it so difficult to write an block example?
A simple block with file reading.
I think I will be forced to give it all up. It is impossible for an ordinary user to do the above.
From what you can see, the whole project mit app inventor no longer works on Android11

PS. my phone is not rooted

If you had answered these questions, it would be easier to help you with a solution....

I found it myself. Nothing to do with what you told me to /Downmoad folder

I copied and pasted the following

Didn't you know? Why did you make it difficult for me for so many days?
It was so simple


You were told this several posts ago...