Resource Ids are not generated in Apk while compiling

Hello, another day of experimenting with MIT Appinventor sources, I found one issue here. I started by implementing material library and faced some errors while disappeared with progress by adding necessary libraries. Now, only 2 errors are there in my compilation logs :

[java] C:\Users\Rudra\AppData\Local\Temp\1681574083329_0.1066277752152619-0\youngandroidproject\..\build\intermediates\res\merged\layout\material_clock_period_toggle.xml:15: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'checkedButton' with value '@id/material_clock_period_am_button').
     [java] C:\Users\Rudra\AppData\Local\Temp\1681574083329_0.1066277752152619-0\youngandroidproject\..\build\intermediates\res\merged\layout\material_timepicker_dialog.xml:79: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf' with value '@id/material_timepicker_ok_button').
     [java] Apr 15, 2023 9:24:54 PM runAaptPackage
     [java] WARNING: YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed.

C:\Users\Rudra\Documents\sources-beta\appinventor\build.xml:22: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Rudra\Documents\sources-beta\appinventor\buildserver\build.xml:199: Java returned: 1

As you can see, even if the id of xml attribute is defined, it can't be resolved. It has to do something with layout id generation mechanism of ai2. Here's the layout file for reference :

@ewpatton is there something like id generation system in ai2? Like In Android Studio, a file named public.xml is generated with all the ids.
(A pic from the decompiled Android Studio Apk)

We generate the R.txt file, not the R.xml file. It's generated by aapt, not technically by us. The relevant method is runAaptPackage if you need to modify the AAPT call.