[Resolu] Creat date and current hour

It's possible of create a line like that display the current time and date

Nous somme le 28 août 2020 il est 16h34


Store the date and time in two strings and join them to the first few words.

Set label text to join “Nous somme le “
Variable date
String which is a space
Variable time

Ok but can I display this in a label?
and who create varialble date and time ?

In the Designer, look in the Sensors group and pull in the Clock component.
It has lots of time and date blocks.

I just tried with "Clock" but it doesn't work.
lookCapture d’écran 2020-08-28 à 17.35.55

Capture d’écran 2020-08-28 à 17.36.11

Your blocks are very funny. I’ve been laughing for 10 minutes now.

Anyway, don’t take that as an insult, it’s just that you have no knowledge of the basics.

You will need to get the date and time via an online API (here). You can do it using the phones internal date and time (here) but it can be bypassed if users change their settings manually.

I managed to set the time, I still have the date

I just set up my date it works but I have a poster problem
Capture d’écran 2020-08-29 à 09.16.46

It displays "Sam 29/08/2020" except me I would like "Samedi 29/08/2020"

The day is not displayed in full!

Use EEEE and see if that works for you.

Yesssssssssssss :slight_smile:
Thank you very mutch

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