It has been over 5 months since I've logged in. I clicked to reset my password. I got this:
If you do not yet have an account, you can enter your email address here and we will send you a link (or code) which you can use to setup your account and set its password.
If you have an account, but lost its password, you can also enter your e-mail address here and we will send you a link (or code) which you can use to change your password.
The email I got says: : to finish setting up your account."
Does this mean my account is missing? I don't want to risk entering anything and have it overwritten . This is distressing.
Is that all your email indicates? Any other instructions? The advice seems to indicate if you already have an account you will be sent a link you can use to change your password. If the email is identical to as before you should have the same email account and an opportunity to change your password.
There appears to be something very wrong. I tried the same thing with a second account, which didn;t have a terribly important quasi-test app, thought. I entered a new password and logged in, and it is an empty account. I'm not happy if this is gone, but I can't risk overwriting the other account, if that is what is happening. I don't want to post my email address on the forum. Can you message me privately??
I'm not sure what page you're trying to set a password for? People log into App Inventor through their Google accounts, so your password is managed by Google, not by MIT App Inventor. We can't really advise on what to do if we don't even know where you're trying to reset your account.