Request for Weblate Traditional Chinese translation privilege

Hi, I'm a user native to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). I notice that there are many strings fell back to Simplified Chinese, which is kinda sad. I want to help fix that issue, so I want the privilege to edit strings on Weblate. My username on Weblate is toto6038. Thanks.

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The MIT Team will hopefully get back to you soon. Thank you for your contributions.

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We know there are places that Simplified Chinese appears in the Traditional Chinese translation. We hope to be rolling out fixes very soon.

Your input is welcome, however. I have granted you permission.

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Thanks. Can I also request to have access to the glossary? It would be great if the translation of terminology can get specified, clear, and consistent.

Add information: Glossary is one of the features of Weblate, which requires specific privilege to allow editing.

It sounds like you have some expertise in weblate. I'll look at granting you glossary access, and I welcome other thoughts on our configuration.

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Hello, I still can’t edit the glossary here. Can you help me solve this problem?

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