Replace text of ini file not work

I am trying to replace the text data of an ini file, but when I type the text into the box, it appears different from the original file
I tried to attach the file to the program and then copy it to the path, but it did not work, knowing that I have certain conditions to change certain lines
Is there any solution?

where is that ini file located? In the root directory of the internal (emulated) sdcard?
which Android version are you using for your tests?

The file extension is only able to modify text files in the ASD - application specific directory for devices running Android10 and up. .
As a temporary workaround you can copy the modified file from the ASD to the root directory using a file extension...

However this workaround will stop working very soon when App Inventor targets SDK 30. .


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thank you for your reply
The ini file is contained in a file
I do not have a problem with accessing the file, but the text file is encrypted, and when I want to add encrypted text data instead of the existing one, errors appear and the file is not identical as the order of the first file
All I want is: to attach the file with the program, and when using the program, it copies the existing file to the specified place
Or: How can an encrypted text of this type be opened and converted to the original text?

Which means in the ASD of another app? Very soon with SDK 30 you will not be able to access that file anymore...


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