I am making an App, in which there is a table with many numbers.
Everytime I click a button, it should speak out a random number from that table's text part, and then cross that number out. I am using a Replace all Text block for this.
My problem: (I am explaining it by giving an example because it is easier that way)
For Example, if the random number is 1. It would cross out the number one, but would also cross out the 1 from 10. It will make the 1 as X, but the 10 will become X0.
If you want or have to work with a text string, you must make each element unique. For example, I insert marks at the beginning and end and when I want to make the substitution, I do it on the mark.
However, I recommend that you use lists. Note that you have the "join items using separator" function that would allow you to re-create the CSV.
Besides, if it is a list from 1 to 100, it will be easy to position yourself directly on the element to be replaced.