Please could I get some guidance on removing or filtering a list before a list is made. I have 4 fields of data which all works fine, well it is 4 fields in GS. Now I have changed things slightly and now I have 5 fields of data, the 5th field contains 0 or 1 with no nulls. How would I remove all the rows that contain 0 and index 5, or only create a list where field 5 equals index 1.
What have I tried, see below, I have tried many combinations but sadly no cigar. I searched the forum but couldn't see anything too similar.
Thanks everyone for your assistance, I have opted to filter the data in the google script before it is received at the device.
Here is how it looks if anyone is interested in the future.
function doGet(e) {
if ( e.parameter.func == "static" ) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var shProj = ss.getSheetByName("Projects").getRange('B1:F500').getValues(); **// where F=1**
var shProjF1=shProj.filter(row=>row[4]==1); // <- new code