Release on google play console, SMS, and Violation of Permissions policy problem

Hello community,

Please excuse my bad English, I am French and this is my first time using google play console. I also take advantage of this message to thank the designers of the inventory app, it made my daughter want to start programming.

I've been trying to put inventory app code into production on the google play console for a week now and I can't. I always get a response: "Issue: Violation of permissions policy"

The probleme seems to be with the sms autorisation (in my first version i use sendmessagedirect but in this version i use sendmessage) . Can you help me to understand and to solve this probleme ?


here my application : 320 (3.2) 320 (3.2) (Production) 15 mars 2022 Autorisations android.permission.SEND_SMS
in the app bundle explorator, it tell Autorisations
11 autorisations

Here what i declare in Permissions and API - Sensitive Info
I check this box : Default Assistant Handler and Physical security or emergency alert applications (e.g. retiree security)
(I have tried many boxes but no solution is accepted)
This is a medical assistance and safety application for people with diabetes. The application helps to calculate the number of units of insulin that the diabetic can inject. Then the application allows the user if he wishes to send a security report for control by SMS to a telephone number (parents for example to reassure them). This telephone number is chosen from the telephone directory. No data is collected by Diab'App.

Here my policy : Diab'App privacy policy (in english) - Diab'App

Here the mail of google :slight_smile: Hi Developers at Diab'App,
Thanks for contacting the Google Play team about your app Diab'App, appinventor.ai_anon6505871105405.DiabApp.
"Publishing Status") Publishing status: Rejected
After review, your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.
Issue: Violation of Permissions policy
After reviewing your app, we found that it doesn’t qualify to use the requested permissions for the following reason(s):

  • Requested permissions do not match core functionality of the app
    You declared Default Assistant handler (and any other core functionality usage while default handler), Device Automation, Physical safety / emergency alerts to send SMS as the core functionality of your app. However, after review, we found that your app does not match the declared use case(s). Learn more about [permitted uses]
    Please either:
    • Make changes to your app so that it meets the requirements of the declared core functionality or,
    • [Select a use case] that matches your app’s functionality

Eligibility Issue
Sensitive permission
Requests for permission and APIs that access sensitive information should make sense to users. You may only request permissions and APIs that access sensitive information that are necessary to implement current features or services in your app that are promoted in your Google Play listing. You may not use permissions or APIs that access sensitive information that give access to user or device data for undisclosed, unimplemented, or disallowed features or purposes. Personal or sensitive data accessed through permissions or APIs that access sensitive information may never be sold.

Request permissions and APIs that access sensitive information to access data in context (via incremental requests), so that users understand why your app is requesting the permission. Use the data only for purposes that the user has consented to. If you later wish to use the data for other purposes, you must ask users and make sure they affirmatively agree to the additional uses.
Next steps: Submit your app for another review

  1. Make appropriate changes to your app based on the information provided above. For additional help, you can review the [Permissions] policy and the [Play Console Help Center article], which describes intended uses, exceptions, invalid uses, and alternative options for use of Call Log or SMS permissions.

  1. Make sure that your app is compliant with all other [Developer Program Policies]. Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.
  2. Go to your [Play Console] and submit the update to your app.
    Contact support
    If you've reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our [policy support team].
    Learn more
    Visit the [Android Developers Blog] to learn more about free tools and resources for building safe and successful apps.
    Thanks for your continued support in helping to make Google Play a positive experience for both developers and consumers. We look forward to seeing an updated version of your app on Google Play.
    *Please help us improve the developer experience by completing this [two question survey].
    The Google Play Team

Unfortunately, you will likely need to audit your entire program to look for every instance of the SendMessageDirect block. You should also check your Texting component design configuration to see if you've set it to having ReceivingEnabled to something other than Off. If you've included any extensions in your application, then they may also be adding permissions that you don't want.

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Thanks for pour answer,
But i m sûre there are no other sendmessage direct in m'y code. And i have already chech the receiving to off.

I use only this :

How to know what policy's authorisation my code needs ?

How i Can deleted my release with the Bad code on the google play console ? I read that it s impossible ...

Help me please, i m block since 1 week with that
Best regards

Why? You only have to upload a new version that meets all Google requirements.

Bonjour et merci de ta réponse,

Cela ne fonctionne pas, j ai 1 seule fois dans mon programme un sendmessage et pourtant ils ne l'acceptent pas. Malgré le changement.

C'est pourquoi je me demandais s il ne restait pas quelque chose des versions précédentes qui sont toujours en examen , je ne sais pas pourquoi? Je voulais tout supprimer, car je n ai aucune version en ligne pour le moment, pour repartir d un truc propre mais ce n est pas possible.

Ceci dit je ne sais pas si c est cela qui est bloquant, y a t il moyen d analyser le fichier aab ? Le problème vient il de ma déclaration ou de mon programme ? je n utilise pas le gestionnaire de téléphone, mon programme a juste besoin d envoyé un rapport par SMS, et d accéder au répertoire du téléphone pour récupérer un numéro.

quelqu'un n a t il une idée pour m aider ?

Merci de cette réponse, cela signifie que sendmessage n est pas accepté non plus ?

Je vais essayé la méthode activitystarter ... En attendant j ai supprimé le compuonent texting mais cela dit toujours que mon application contient sendmessage... Est ce normal ?

Merci de votre aide

From where did you get this?


Non aucune, juste. Ces components non visibles

Show us what you have here

Il n' y a rien ....

So answer this question:

These components

do not declare at least these permissions in the Manifest:

Je suis d'accord avec toi.
Je viens de decompiler le fichier apk obtenu avec build depuis app inventor avec mon programme sans utiliser le components texting , voici ce que je vois dans le fichier manifest.xml :
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS"/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS"/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER"/>
uses-permission android:name=""/>
uses-permission android:name=""/>
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS"/

la meme chose que je vois depuis la console google play
Ce n'est pas normal. N'y a t'il pas un dysfonctionnement lors de la construction des fichier apk et aab ?
C'est comme si il gardait en mémoire tout ce qui avait été utilisé depuis le début, alors quu'il n'y a plus rien dans le programme concernant les SMS ...
Comment résoudre mon probleme ?
(autrement que de modifier à la main le fichier manifest puis recompiler le tout, ce dont je ne suis pas sur d'etre capable ...)

Merci de votre aide,

Post the aia or send it via PM to me.

After removing it:

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Btw, I had to remove this (to build the APK):


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Ohhhh very thanks,
La première fois j ai créé mon application avec plusieurs écrans, puis je l ai entièrement refaite en 1 seul mais j' ai oublié les autres écran qui sont a supprimer.
C est vraiment bête, mais j avais oublié... merci beaucoup de ton aide, je vais remettre en place les SMS sur le screen1 et reposter une version a Google
Je vous tiens au courant,
Un grand merci à toi pour ton expérience et le temps que tu as consacré à m' aider,
Bonne journée,

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