Registration for MIT App Inventor Summer Appathon 2023

Hello there, dear community.

I'm a new member to this community and this is my first time asking a question.

I am very interested in entering the 2023 Appathon contest but unfortunately I was only informed about it the day before the registration deadline due to miscommunication with my teachers at school who shared the details of this contest.

May I kindly ask, who should I contact or email regarding the registration for this year's (2023) Appathon contest? I would like to ask him/her if they would still allow some contestants to register.

Again, I express my interest in this contest and I hope someone can help me.

Thank you and have a nice day :slight_smile: :relaxed:

Unfortunately, rules are rules. It has already been almost 2 weeks since the deadline.

Sorry, but most likely, the Appathon team will not make any exceptions.

That's ok. I was just wondering whether they make any exceptions.

If it's ok with you, may I know who is in charge of this contest? Just for self FYI

Thank you again :relaxed:

Thanks again, @gordonlu310 :relaxed: