Regarding reconnecting issue / BLE extension

is that list view elements? or list view? is that list view selection? show it

Screenshot 2023-09-20 122952
its list view selection

global saved_device_address don't needs select list item you should connect global saved_device_address to list view selection and based on your image, your block is now correct

still getting the same error

its strange! I think you should connect when the bluetooth is scanning.

Hi thanks guys,
Arman I have tried out the way you suggested and still reporting the same error. Don't know why and Anke what is this you are suggesting is my android app not compatible with system bluetooth if so how to fix this

Install this app (APK), open it scan, connect and post screenshots (after scan, connecting, ...):

LGTM - connecting seems to work...

but what about reconnecting as my need

Post the aia.

efx_iot_demo_copy.aia (332.5 KB)
this is the current working model



Should be:


is there a way to update it or should we reimport the extension

same error again invalid address

Did you connect to the desired address during the test? I saw a block to store it in Tiny DB, but I didn't see a block to use it. You want it to keep that address for you from the first time you connect, and then connect automatically after entering the program, right?

if its true means we found your problem

yeah that's what I need