Regarding "Permission" for Puravida AM extension , to get google user information

So, in using puravidas AM extension I get this

Permission Denial: opening provider from ProcessRecord{5446d88} (pid=22048, uid=10274) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

What can I do, so that I dont see this error, and I get the username and avatar.
How, where do i get the permission.

can you show your block


Does it work with the compiled app (APK)?

Obviously you didn't grant this permission in the MIT Companion app:


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No, even after compiling same error comes

How/ where should I grant this permission. Pardon me I am a complete novice.

Post a screenshot of this error.

Works on all Android versions:

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Thanks for the help Anka.
I didnt know the permissions, and now I do, so thats what I learned.

After I picked the account, Label1 shows google email id.
But the name is not being displayed.

I also downloaded the account.aia from puravida apps page.
Even his aia, is displaying just the email address after "picking".

Wonder if there is some update because of which name is not being displayed. Strange. ,

on that webpage App Inventor Extensions: Account Manager | Pura Vida Apps I'm presenting 2 extensions

  1. the account manager extension and
  2. the Pick Google account extension

Note : It is recommended to use the Pick Google Account extension instead, because that extension does not need any permissions.

you are using a mixture of both extensions, which does not really make sense...

on my webpage also you can find example projects about how to use the extension, this would be everything you need

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

OMG Taifun, Big fan of yours Sir. Greatly admire what you do. You are a hero. Thankyou for the amazing extensions and other resources.

Sir, I am able to get the email through both AM and PICK ACCOUNT extensions.
I was unsuccessful in getting the other things, name, avatar.

So I downloaded your account.aia test project and tried it in emulator. Again, I was able to retrieve only the email. The other labels remained blank.
Same thing happened when I installed it.

Its possible, that both my phones and ids have some settings that dont allow the name to be displayed, or some android update or version issue? i dont know.

BUT, I was able to see my name when I clicked on the airbnb account.

this might be dependent on the Android version you are using on your device
the recommendation is to use the Pick Google Account extension, because in does not need any permissions...


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