RecyclerList View companion error

Hi all,

Now I'm testing the RecyclerList View extension, by following guides from MIT App Inventor - How to render larger data sets efficiently using RecyclerList Extension - Advanced Guide.
I have downloaded the latest version, 1.0.3 but whenever I tried to refresh the companion then will get error as shown below.
Such error causing my other blocks jammed and cannot function properly.
Is it I need to get version 1.0.1, which has been used in the blog above?
Thanks. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Unfortunately only the developer @ZainUlHassan can provide 1.0.1 version of the extension since in Kodular's community you can find version 1.0.0 and in GitHub version 1.0.3. Maybe post a screenshot of your blocks or a test aia that shows when the error occurs

This error already has been reported in Februar here error in 1.0.3 ยท Issue #1 ยท zainulhassan815/appinventor-recycler-list ยท GitHub

Did you follow this tip?

As you see I added a hidden ListView component - you must do it otherwise RecyclerList extension causes app to crash.

What happens if you try the example project from the tutorial?


hi @Taifun,

I have tried to hide the ListView component before but no luck, and the error only gone after added in the ClickZ blocks (which earlier didn't do so which I thought can be later).

But now I wanted to show the list without save into TinyDB (from tutorial), for the reason wanted to get the list in real time for any new row added in the Google Sheet later on. (if can I wished to get the data from Firebase)
I have tried do like this but the list won't show anything, it's blank.
While for the web.url get text blocks below, I have taken out the TinyDB storing method.
I don't know which and where went wrong here, really need your help and guidance.
Thank you. :pray: :pray: :pray:

hi @Ria_Das,

Noted and will try find him if need the version 1.0.1 later.
Thanks for your suggestions.

sorry, I do not know what are the ClickZ blocks?
good that the error does not occur anymore, so actually this topic is resolved...

what about following the tutorial step by step and first get it running without modifying?
After you got it running, then modify it to your needs and remove the TinyDB blocks


Hi @Taifun,

The ClickZ function in the way of if you press any particular list then it will appear in another Screen.
Will try out again, thanks.