Olá, criei um app para salvar nomes em uma lista e armazeno ela no AsteroidDb, mas quando eu reinicio meu app esses nomes desaparecem da lista. Oque faço?
estou usando esse bloco abaixo para tentar recuperar os nomes da minha lista:
segue o arquivo para acessar o app:
twdbdemoV1.aia (1.6 MB)
June 20, 2020, 2:48pm
The AsteroidDB blocks are not parsing the list of lists back as a list of lists, therefore things are breaking.
You also needed to use the parseResult block to get the data out.
Do you really have to use asteroidDB?.....
June 20, 2020, 3:00pm
OK, I believe I have fixed it.
I added a Web component to use the JSON TextDecode block and this fixed the list of lists.
You will see the blocks are quite different......
twdbdemoV11_revised.aia (1.6 MB)
You need to thoroughly read the somewhat terse asteroidDB documentation to fully understand how it works, and the threads on both AI2 and Kodular.
[asteroiddb-cropped] AsteroidDB
Hi everyone!
I want to introduce you my new database service AsteroidDB which helps you save data online (like Firebase, TinyWebDB) but AsteroidDB is much simplier to setup and its source is open-source.
It’s structrue is based on TinyWebDB, and it is a cloned and improved project from Pavitra’s TinyWebDB repository which coded in Python. I added new methods and named it as AsteroidDB, because it is not a “Tiny” database service anymore …
AsteroidDB Hi Koders! I want to introduce you my new project called AsteroidDB which helps you save data online (like Firebase, Airtable etc.) but AsteroidDB is much simplier to setup and its source is open-source. 😁 Its...
Reading time: 8 mins 🕑
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June 27, 2020, 3:00pm
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