je sais utiliser la reconnaissance vocale et la mettre dans une zone de texte. Mais je ne sais pas comment indiquer dans quelle zone de texte il faut mettre le resultat, lorsque j’ai plusieurs zone de texte.
merci d’avance.
There may be several ways to make your SpeechRecognizer place particular instructions in different TextBoxes (or simply to tell your app what to do when you say a particular word or phrase). You need a conditional statement Programming Your App to Make Decisions to help your app decide where to place the spoken text.
The following example Blocks might allow you to separate text based on what you say
Try building this Project, How to use the SpeechRecognizer to Command Specific Actions. You need a Button, a Label, the SpeechRecognizer and three TextBoxes.
Is this what you hope to do in your app?
Here is another example, from a BlueTooth example …!msg/mitappinventortest/Rvi_tBMT8bQ/zWFd-MMVBQAJ