Hi again friends, this is my problem. I'm trying to send an image from raspberry pi to MIT app. I converted the image to base 64 from raspberry and I've been able to send that to firebase.
I'm trying to put the image on the app and make it change everytime raspberry sends a new image(and obviously firebase is gonna change and resend new coding). Sorry for my bad blocks, i'm new doing this.
*The second block is to send something to firebase.
*The third is suppose to get from firebase, save an image and show it to the screen.
*I noticed the coding is too long to and make the app crashes
i fixed that, but the app still closes. I think it's something about the recieving, the app can't recieve all the code packet. and i don't know how to show it.
I've tried with a small image, and the coding that i got on firebase from raspberry works when i convert it online.But i don't know what's the matter recieving it to mit app inventor