[REBORN !] TableView Extension Versions 3&4 (pre nb191) and 5 by @Ken

The problem is not with the extension, but with your environment....

Ensure your companion app is at the latest version. (2.66 or 2.66u)

Ensure you restart your companion app connection after loading the new extension

Companion is the latest version 2.66. I tried with the emulator still the same.
Pls try importing an extention preferably tableview or collins list to see it works or not.

Ps. Build apk also gives same error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method setFontTypeface(Landroid/widget/TextView;IZZ)V in class Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/util/TextViewUtil; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.TextViewUtil' appears in base.apk)
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Ah sorry, Tableview, not TableViewer.

A search on the community would have revealed an answer to this, the TableView extension is currently broken due to the change in the font selector by MIT.

You might try TableViewer extension instead

Contributions moved to the correct thread

Hoping to see a fix soon

Tableviewer extension doesn't give the same options :frowning_face:

what option?

see this:

All my apps use TableView Extension and now i can't make any update. I'm stuck.
@Ken please please fix the problem as soon as you can.



Hi Leonardo,
Ken didnt answer or help, so i was stuck with my App Project too.
I then made the move to TableViewER.
The move itself was not a huge effort. Only delimiters are different.
But Kevin had built in CSS possibilities. I had no clu about CSS, but googled a bit and now I like it that i can edit the format of my table (which tableview did not offer).
Kevin helps a lot even, he replies within few hours.
Bye, Oliver

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Tableview extensions still work with Kodular :slight_smile:

In one of my apps there are 14 tableview. So for me is hard to change all to tableviewER.

I have more then 5 extensions in my app so can't use kodular.

I give up!!! i'm changing to Tableviewer for the joy of @Kevinkun :rofl: I know that is powerfull, but i did 6 hours of work and i changed only 5 table in my app. i had to changhe all the php scripts too and some parts of the program. Work in progress...

Why you need to change the backend php script?
What kind of data format you are receiving?

This tableviewer (even tableview by Ken ) has noting to do with the backend server.
Just feed them a list of list, then they will work.

Because i used ; to separate cells and , to separate rows (Works fine to export file in csv for excel, maybe my mistake). Now i need to , to separate cells end \n to separate rows. I have eliminated some cycles to reassemble the data and actually write even less program.It works much better no doubt about it. if only I had already started with your extension. in any case, thank you so much

Yes, you can make a procedure to seperate the data string into a list of list.
But it's not necessary to change the backend script to meet TableViewer.

Anyway, next time when you write the script, remember to return

  1. a regular CSV table format like 'aa,bb,cc \n dd,ee,ff' (to be parsed by LIST FROM CSV TABLE)
    or 2. a jsonarray String like [["a","b","c"],[1,2,3]] (to be parsed by WEB.JSONTEXTDECODE...)
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