Hi! I am trying to make an app that, when I click on a picture, launches a video. I have put everything I needed on one single screen to save space:
(the vertical arrengements contain the pictures)
But, when I open the app, for a split second, I have the screen with the pictures like in the preview, but just after, the video player launches. That is weird; the coded behavior would be to wait for a picture to be clicked on before making the mediaplayer visible and fullscreen. Here are the blocks:
Is there a fix for this ?
Thank you
Have a nice day
Have you unticked TimerEnabled in the Designer ?
It was in fact. i forgot to turn it off. Thank you.
Now, the code looks like this but, when I click on one of the pictures, the banner of the media player appears and shows that the video is not playing even though it is... Also, at the end of the video, instead of closing like it should, the media player turns the whole screen dark and makes the app crash...
Is there a fix to that too ?
Thank you very much. It is now returning to the main screen but the banner is still there. Maybe should I duplicate those two blocks and put them in both blocks ?