Query with 2 or 3 dependents

I had checked METRIC RAT AI2 - Google Sheet CRUDQ II
A1 is with arrayformula from other sheet for date from builder to code no. so crud ofuncation operate for all the formula goes off too
Please suggest-
I want to use CRUD function for update when i open query page.
query to be today's date and/or Staus. so want to see all who r of today's date and WIP status and any date of WIP status and update only Work 1. work 2 and work 3
what query i should do ?
After query data populate then to update only that data
please suggest.

Which is it to be? Date and Status OR Date or Status for your query?

Are your dates in the spreadsheet date numbers or strings ?

Because you are looking to return the results of a query and work on it, the indexes of the returned list will not align with the indexes of the full set of records. More work required there in your app or in your script, before you can update a record.

Date and Status as if both change or any one change will be visible till time. once Status shows complete then it will not seen. date is number which is coming from data validation.
also concern is A1 is with arrayformula from other sheet for date from builder to code no. so crud ofuncation operate for all the formula goes off too

yes please and am need help here. also sheet script is not to be bound. as each user will fill different sheet (4 user 4 sheet) as different login and data to use and report. please suggest.

That should not be an problem. Each user can provide their own spreadsheet ID to the script, however, usage of the script at the same time by different users may cause some issues...

Perhaps the best thing to do is to include a unique ID for each row, you can then edit the update script to find the correct id. You might want to consider using this method:

Because you have date numbers, you will need to understand how to write your SQL statement for these:

When using my CRUD methods, it may be best to return all the records to your app, and to then select/query the records you want in the app, working with lists to amend/update, and to then return them to the google sheet.

perfect.. solution.. resolved.

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