Qr : Read and Create Qr/Bar Code offline

How to return QR code picture after I created the QR code?

It is in the BarCodeGenerated event. Use the filePath to get the file path in the Android storage.


Did you read the main post and the documentation? The usage is right there.

I used this method,but its image has not changed.

Please show your blocks then.

A.aia (33.1 KB)

As @Anke mentioned, starting from Android 11, do not save the file in /storage/emulated/0.


B.aia (67.9 KB)

OK, thanks

Can I convert my business card into QR code?

Unfortunately, not possible with this extension.

how create a barcode?

You can get a list of supported bar formats with BarcodeFormats method.

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plese tell this informaton in read me on github

plese tell this informaton in read me on github thanks

Sure, but did it solve your issue?

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Still you are looking for solution?

i cant send image to portable printer.becuse the outpot of your componnet is image ...

thanks for your attention

How can I use the logo path?

@Joejsanz here is an example. Logo should be an image file (as small as possible) located in external storage.

Perfect, I'll give it a try, thank you very much.