Qr : Read and Create Qr/Bar Code offline


I tested a bit more. With QR version 4 the extension works with the barcode component, with QR version 5 there is the error message when creating the apk.

I would like to understand why something like this could happen. Do you have an explanation and would you like to share it with me?


  • "...Anyone who is not free of bugs, throw the blocks, Android version and device information..."

Sin título

  • I am using both and I have no problems, even with the "View Scanner" extension (for PDF417).

Android 9

@ Jonathan_Urbina1

I realize that programs and code are never error-free. It was and is not my intention to criticize the extension programmers. On the contrary, I'm happy to use their extensions in my apps. Many thanks to the developers at this point.

Can you please test the Qr.aia in post 99? Is it possible for you to create the apk?


I agree latest version has library conflicts with Barcode Scanner component.

I would suggest to replace Barcode Scanner component with this extension.

I remember @Silver providing a no-deps version.

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I tested a little more.
The combination of extension ScanView version 2.2 and your extension QR version 4 (see post 6) in conjunction with the BarCodeScanner component works together in one app.

For me this is so perfect. Thanks for the tip and your extension.


ChangeLog Version 5.3

  • No external deps required
  • More accurate and faster results
  • Aix sized reduced to 378 Kb
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Hello Sunny.

I want to ask you about a detail of the extension.
I am looking for an extension to read DATA MATRIX codes.
Can i create and read it with this extension?
By the way, i cannot do it with the base QR-Bar scanner. (I can read Bar and QR, but not Data Matrix).

Yes, you should be able to create and read Data Matrix bar codes.

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Thank you Sunny, for been so fast in replying me.
Now i know. I will test your extension!.
Thanks again.


Hi ,
I am using this extension.this is good extension.

I can generate bar codes .but I can't decode barcodes I am using file picker to get image.

Please help me :sob::sob: to find a solution

Please show your relevant blocks (and image...)

This is only code for decoding

The result is blank and barformat is unknown

What is your FilePicker selection ? A qrcode image ?

Where is it located?

FilePicker returns a contenturi not a file path, this could be your issue. Use imagePicker instead as a quick fix.


Working .thank you for helping :grinning:

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The link to download the aix file does not work. Your site displays a 404 not found error. So how can I get your extension?

Thanks in advance,

try on GitHub:

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Sorry... but I didn't find *aix file in this link :face_with_diagonal_mouth:




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OK. I was trying here »

TKS :pray:

