QR Code reading error

I Recently made a QR reading app. It all was working perfectly until I received a promo for Uber eats which contained a QR code (below)

QR Code

My App read the code fine, but the Web Viewer could not render the contained web address. It came up with an error that I could not understand.

I might say that another QR reader I have on my device rendered it perfectly. Why?

Share the error and relevant blocks.

The blocks are working perfectly. The problem is with the Web Viewer. Use a reader to see what I mean. It's the quickest way.

Show relevant blocks.

I told you, it has nothing to do with the blocks. My app is working perfectly. The problem exists within the web viewer. I cannot show what the Webviewer does 'behind the scenes. The Webview does not understand the web address, but another QR reader does.

Why don't you use a reader and scan the QR code provided. use a reader made in AI2 and then use another one from outside AI2. And you will see the problem instead of getting narky.

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
You probably will get more feedback then...

This is the link: https://api.oppizi.com/short/1218515

This is the error message

You could have provided this information yourself...

And I get this message while trying to open the link on my mobile browser
I do not have the uber eats app installed

Probably the custom webviewer extension able to handle those links? Also uber eats must be installed on the device



Thank you. I didn't get that message, just an error. I realised that it was not my blocks causing the error, that's why I didn't post them. And I had no other screenshot app to take one with.

So, you got the 'unable to open' error too. The link is to download Uber Eats app, I don't have it installed either. Thank you for verify the problem and taking the time. I will try the custom webviewr ext, if I can find it.

Kind regards, Mike

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