Python In App Inventor

Hello guys!

I am working on a AI bot and I have made in a Python code. I would like to integrate it onto my old Android Phone. Can you please tell me a way to integrate that Python code. The basic idea is that you press a button and it runs.

Please reply as soon as possible.

See here:

or search the community for "python"

Hello @Kusanda_Jayawardhane.

I have Only 1 question.
Why do you want to integrate with AI2?

It's because the block qualities of App Inventor? Because you want to make it for Android... from Python, or because you want to mix Python with Java?

If you want to integrate Python code with Java. It's a good reason to use AI2, using Skulpt.

But if you want to code Python with blocks, you can use BLOCKPY, or EDUBLOCKS, These IDEs use Blockly ways to make the code more easy.

And if you want's to make an Android App from Python, you can use Kivy or another framework for Python.

That's all.

I want to buy a cheap tablet, and then stick it in my room so I can easily access the code that I have created

I think you might have misunderstood. I dont want a IDE for python, I just want it to run after you press the button in my app. If there is a way, please tell me because I could not find anything on Google at all.

Thank you so much

Skulpt is not an IDE
it looks like you didn't even read the headline of App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Skulpt | Pura Vida Apps

How to use App Inventor and Skulpt to run Python code
