I'm bulding and app the with an old smartphone plus and arduino nano and a HC05 BT can monitor the presence or not of electric power and in case is missing for more that x minutes allert me by SMS.
I'm using the tifunBattery1 extection vers 3. The application is simple , every n minutes I send via bt a "1" to the arduino that close a relay connecting directly the charging cable attached to the smartphone to an usb charger. As soon as the relaty is activated i read the "plugged status and "battery_level" and I expect to see the plugghed status = "USB" . I don't know why but as soon as the relay is activated the plugghed status is = unknown and as soon the relay is deactivated appear for a moment as USB connected and the return unknow because I send a command "0" via bt to deactivate the relay.
I've used the Battery3.aia as standalone and also with an arduino schetch that turn on and off the relay every 5 second and it works fine. So at the moment I've the doubt that could be such kind of incompatibility between this extention and for instance the blutooth client but I don't know how to proof.
Any suggestion is wellcome.