Provide file paths to shared storage?

In one of my extensions I currently have this method to handle file paths: ASD/Private Dir/Assets...

private String resolveFileName(String fileName) {
    String completeFileName = fileName;
    if (fileName.startsWith("/")) {
      completeFileName = getExternalStoragePath() + fileName;
    } else if (fileName.startsWith("//")) {
      if (isRepl) {
        fileName = fileName.substring(2);
        completeFileName = getReplFilePath() + fileName;
    } else {
      completeFileName = GetPrivateDirPath() + "/" + fileName;
    return completeFileName;

but it doesn't provide for paths supplied by the user to shared storage directories (I only want to offer Documents or Downloads)

I have edited the method to this:

private String resolveFileName(String fileName) {
    String completeFileName = fileName;

    if (fileName.startsWith("/") && !fileName.startsWith("/storage/emulated/0/Documents") && !fileName.startsWith("/storage/emulated/0/Download"))
      completeFileName = getExternalStoragePath() + fileName;
    else if (fileName.startsWith("/storage/emulated/0/Documents") || fileName.startsWith("/storage/emulated/0/Download"))
      completeFileName = fileName;
    else if (fileName.startsWith("//"))
      if (isRepl) {
        fileName = fileName.substring(2);
        completeFileName = getReplFilePath() + fileName;
    } else
      completeFileName = GetPrivateDirPath() + "/" + fileName;

    return completeFileName;

Is there a better, preferred method for this ? Users would be encouraged to provide the absolute path, e.g.


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/Downloads is not a Shared folder, but /Download.

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Went with my changes, works OK in the extension.

Thanks @Anke for the Downloads/Download correction, too much time using my computer's file manager.


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