A circle has radius 7. We draw a radius at 30º and another at 31º, as the schematic figure indicates.
a) Find the value of the segment s.
b) What is the sum of the 360 segments s drawn on the circle?
c) What value do we obtain by dividing the previous sum by the diameter of the circle?
d) Carry out the previous sections when the radius are 0.1º apart.
Build an app where you enter the height of the image (G), the distance between the image and the axis of the lens (gw) and the focal length of the lens (f), and obtain the height of the projected image (B ) and the image scale (beta = B / G)
A Cycloid is a Tautochrone curve: Tautochrone curve - Wikipedia
( is the curve for which the time taken by an object sliding without friction in uniform gravity to its lowest point is independent of its starting point on the curve.)
38.- Calculate Julian Day and Julian Date (with Blocks).
The Julian calendar, was proposed by Julius Caesar 46 [BC]. Roma. Solar.
The Gregorian calendar is a modification and replacement of the Julian calendar. Salamanca 1582. Solar.
And this is Julian day. (JD) (Converter)[Today 23 July 2022 is JD: 2459784]
Julian DAY == The interval of time in days since noon at Greenwich on 1 January 4713 BC Julian DATE == The day number within the year counting January 1st as 1 and December 31st as 365 (or 366 in leap years).
In this topic, you can see a code with JavaScript functions to convert a date to Julian Day and Gregorian calendar, adapt that code to App Inventor Blocks.
A circle is drawn on a 3x3 square that measures 12 cm on each side. Calculate the radius of the circle.
Observe the figure.
What is the value of the golden ratio.