Property setter was expecting a component but got a String instead

I have a screen with some switches and I want the switches on to be saved and appear on when the screen is loaded later. To do so they are added to a list which is stored in TinyDB. When the given screen gets initialized, TinyDB is called and each item (which should be a component) in that list is switched on.

The problem is that apparently the switches are saved as strings and not as components. What can I do?

When any switch is switched on, it's saved in a given list.

Then the given list is stored in TinyDB.

There are 7 lists for each day of the week (which is chosen on another screen).

When the screen is initialized, TinyDB is called and each item (which should be a component) is switched on.

As far as I know, we can't save component IDs, because each time the app is launched, components have new IDs generated. Instead, build a dictionary with all the switches you have in your app. The key is e.g. Switch1, value true or false. Change and read values.


Thank you, but I didn't manage to make it work. The keys are strings. How should I do it?

You need to make a list of your switch components, and select these in your list iterations


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Fixed. Thank you!

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