Problems to view online PDF files - Web Viewer and CustomWebViewer

Hi there,

I'm trying to access a site which provides a PDF file, if I access to it on my computer the PDF is displayed using browser's native PDF viewer.

I want to accomplish the same on my App, preferably to view it online but if it can't be done then I could download it and open it with a PDF viewer as extension.

I tried the above using the WebViewer component but I could not dowload it, some comments on this forum suggest to use CustomWebViewer extension so I downloaded v12 from github but I'm still unable to open/download the PDF file, when I click the link nothing happens.

I'm attaching the AIA file with the CustomWebViewer extension, I made sure the "DeepLinks" and "FollowLinks" options are enabled but nothing happens when I click the buttom that provides the PDF file.

I can reproduce this with several sites, the URL I'm testing is:

When I click the link to open the sample PDF file nothing happens.

CustomWebView.aia (77.5 KB)

Thanks for any hint.


The mime type should be .pdf

You could try this:

getAndViewPDF.aia (48.2 KB)

Uses the native webviewer with extensions:


