Problems of music player using list view

hello every body, iam new user of app inventor and I face some problems in amusic player in my app.
1- the slider working when i use (curent position) but not working when i use (from user)... one of them cancel the else.
2- when i use next or previouse button, it worked depend on the selected one in list not the song which alraedy playing.
3- when the song completed didn't transform to the next automatic ... why or how i can do that?
4- can i do repeat button in app inv.( where if the user want to repeat one song only or repeat all the list click on it ).
i shared my blocks
I wish some one help me to solve any of them or all
thank you

You are missing a Play list variable.

That would hold the list of selection indexes from the song list that the user has selected but have not yet started playing.


What is the source of the songs? Show the content of "global source". And please post images / screenshots of your blocks in good quality and ideally also post the aia.

ok. i will try to do a variable...
Thank you.

Thank you.
Are the pictures clear?

The Google Drive link should be publicly accessible.

I edit it.

And again, please explain...

Try something like this:

Thank you so much Anke.
the problem of the next and previous buttons is solved.
for the slider :
when i remove the first block in the image ( clock1 event) .... the thumb is moving (from user) but still there is a problem where the end-time lable become equal zero not the full duration of the song.
when i put the first block, it cancel the thumb from user.

I think i solved it ...

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