Having trouble compiling my project.
Compile error message:
App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
I'm aware that there are topics regarding similar errors, but most of them talk about files with long names or too much blocks, but neither are my case. Checking the .aia file (available below), I also believe that there is no "project in a project", as Anke suggests.
The cause of this error is probably the TeachableMachineImageClassifier extension, since the app compiles if it is removed, but the error message doesn't help understanding what could be the problem with the extension.
TMICE.aia (203.2 KB)