Soy profesora y cuando estoy con mis alumnos trabajando en clase, continuamente aparece el mensaje "error de servidor" y no podemos avanzar en la creación de la App. ¿Cuál es el problema y cuál es la solución?Gracias
What do you ask of AI2 to cause the error?
- Upload a project
- Build a project
- Open a project
This is a collection of discussions about server error on the App Inventor forum. Perhaps one of them is similar to your problem?
possible causes:
- too many students using the school network simultaneously. Does this happen when only a few students are working or only when everyone is working? This could be an issue of your Internet provider, a slow router etc.
- a problem with your Project code. Does this happen with all your Projects or only a particular one? Does it happen with a simple Project?
- something else (see the above link for discussions).