Problema utilizzando l'estensione Itoo

Hello everyone,
basically I add 2 months to today's date, but I would like the background notification to be displayed only when the deadline has arrived

The itoo extension is one of the greatest extensions we have, but in this use case if you want to receive a notification at a specific datetime in the future, let me suggest you to use the alarmmanager extension

The other day you mentioned, that you bought it... now just use it... :partying_face:


Okay, I'll take your advice and use AlarmManager. Can you tell me what the general uses of the Itoo extension are?
I wish you Happy Boxing Day

Hi Taifun, possibly in the near future I will be open sourcing all the library framework and the extension. Thus making it possible to in cooperate it with other extensions.

Itoo is an extension that implements the Itoo Framework that creates an virtual App Inventor environment for background execution.

It can be used for several purposes, like calling a procedure in background, or doing a task when you receive your Firebase push notifications, etc.

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I wish you Happy Boxing Day

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