Problema per tornare indietro

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Then this may help you


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then I open the application, open the site, click a page, I want to go back, to the home page if I go back instead of letting the white screen go out? ie the back of the home page is my problem .. with this I solved?

then I open the application, open the site, click a page, I want to go back, to the home page if I go back instead of letting the white screen go out? ie the back of the home page is my problem .. with this I solved?, Grazie di quello che fai!

If you are still getting problem or blank/white screen, would be good if you can share you blocks image so that you can get help/resolution from here. I sahred solution work what I could have understood. Thanks

Vedi pure , non e male così ma se per errore premo indietro rimane nella schermata bianca, sono arrivato fino a qui.. ma non riesco a risolvere il fatto che non si chiude senza avviso, e come se avessi creato un navigatore dell'applicazione

You see, it's not bad like that but if I accidentally press back it stays on the white screen, I got this far .. but I can't solve the fact that it doesn't close without warning, it's as if I had created an application browser

Following call does not look good to me

Notifier1.ShowChooseDialog should be first and call WebViewer1.GoBack at second

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In fact, WebViewer1.GoBack probably wants to be in one of the AfterChoosing options ?


Something like


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Try this test project and see if it works for you
webview_back.aia (2.6 KB)

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can I also implement the initial logo display? how did I do before? which appeared as a preview? p.s. for the back button you were perfect

some features of the site written in JavaScript are not seen

If some features of the site written in JavaScript are not seen maybe you should try to use

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from your code I can not put the splash screen, a logo before the webview .. why?

See example, I use a VA as "virtual" splash screen and clock component. When clock timer, I set VA visible to false and webviewer visible to true

webview_back_1.aia (466.0 KB)

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I'm curious because I have not tried but if instead of an image I put a gif? type image that moves? and what if a sound is emitted when opening?

but a center to send notifications, how can I send to the app? sorry for all these questions but soon i finished it all, thanks

For gif you can use maybe a lottie animation extension such as


I have only one question, once I load an app like the one from mit on the Android Play Store it asks me if the site is owned by me, how do I understand that I have all the credentials? what should be done in this case?

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