Problema al marcar numero

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Hola alguien me podria ayudar cuando hago esta llamada en la app solo me pone *133 el simbolo # no me aparece como arreglo ese problema

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Try *133%23 so in other words replace # with %23

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sorry only *133 nothing more

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%23 not working

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Ken no me funciona me sigue dejando lo mismo *133 remplace # por %23 y nada

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Sorry, I thought it would work.

The # works on my phone:

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OMG a mí no me sale yo uso un redmi note 8 pro tengo q revisar

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I don't know if this is Redmi related but in the past 2 years I've seen Redmi cause a lot of weird issues.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 running Android OS v9.0.

Have you tried it on a different device?

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