I have a problem with the POST method.
I describe the situation:
in Screen1 I log in with username and password and use the POST method.
It works perfectly.
Once logged in, I switch to Screen2.
When in Screen2 I call any script, even the simplest, using the POST method, in the script I do not find the values passed in the script (the $ _POST array is empty).
If I use the GET method instead it works perfectly.
I have tried in three different ways but the result is always the same.
I declare it in Screen2.
But it is the same path that I use with the GET method that works perfectly.
The script is executed but the global variable $ _POST is empty.
If I force a message I see it in the qElencoMedia.GotText.
If you are trying to receive a $POST_ARRAY, you are not sending one, you will have to construct a simple or associative array in the app before sending by POST.
If you only have a few parameters, it is easier to send as you have in the app, and receive each parameter to a variable - as per the two examples above - (or use directly)
The first case is like this.
But in the script the variables $ aa = $ _ POST [‘aa’] and $ bb = $ _ POST [‘bb’] are empty.
While if I use $ _GET they are valued.
I deduce that when I use the POST method there is some problem with passing values …
After I set qElencoMedia.PostText text = ‘aa = 12 & bb = 34’ the two variables should arrive in the script.
But variables don’t really exist in the script.
Is there no way to see what the call goes through?
Something must happen that prevents the text from being sent.
accesskey is a code that must be the same in the app and in the script. It could be used to avoid intrusions.
now I copy the inero instruction set of screen1 to screen2 and check
in the script I check the variable $ _POST [‘aa’] and it’s empty. It just doesn’t exist.
In the app I check the ResponseCode and it’s empty.
If in the script I do a ‘test’ echo. $ _POST [‘aa’] in ResponseContent I find only ‘test’