Problem with google play

hi guys recently i tried to update one of my apps
but it got rejected because of this
Your app is uploading users’ Installed packages information to without posting a privacy policy in both the designated field in the Play Developer Console and from within the Play distributed app itself."

i have a valid privacy policy including all the sdks i use but none of them collect Installed packages and i don’t know which one including this url
what could be the problem ?

Are you using an extension? An extension is probably the culprit.

Have you posted a link to your privacy policy in the console?

Well i use only external ads extensions like unity admob and facebook
i created them so i know what sdks they contains i used only the officel sdks

yes i did post it

:frowning: admob is not possible in App Inventor. Are you using Thunkable or modifying the manifest?

The problem is possibly that you are redirecting your app users to intrusive ad sites with admob.

So you are required to: posting a privacy policy in both the designated field in the Play Developer Console and from within the Play distributed app itself." ... are you doing that as mentoned by Tim?

Well i don’t have in app privacy policy i have it only in google play

Perhaps you should include it then? What you do to follow GooglePlay guidelines is up to you.