Problem with activity starter when I have to invoke a phone application

Hi there!
I'm using a MIT app tha i've built some months ago.
Now i found an application on google store called "Quick recorder Video"(here's the link) that let me recording videos in a hidden configuration, that means that when i start the application, the app starts to record without showing a property app view.

Now, i'm interested to invoke that application with a button from my MIT app.

as you can see, i'm using the "android.intent.action.VIEW", but i think that is not the correct way to reach my goal... i've tried with .VIEW and .MAIN, but it doesn't work (I mean, nothing happens but the normal operactivity of my MIT app)

May u help me? Maybe i miss the right intent.


it seems to be, you forgot to use the StartActivity method of the activity starter...

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hi, what do you mean?
The StartActivity is set in the first command. You can translate "AvvioAttività" with "StartActivity".

The purple block ! :smiley:


It works!
In the tutorial that i saw was not a single trace of any purple block XD.


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