Problem when listing data

problem when listing data.
in the database I have the following information:
1 02/04/2020 25.00
2 02/04/2020 11.00 …
but when I will display in the list view displays
1 02/04/2020 25.00
10 04/2/2020 3.00
2 02/04/2020 11.00

How do I order in numerical sequence 1, 2, 3 …

I believe the problem is occurring in the recording, because after recording I display the database tags and they are already in sequence 1, 10, 2, 3 …
see the block “BT_Listar” for the alert before loading the list view

Leading Zeros needed on your numbers (which are being treated as text, and therefore sorted lexicographically (alphabetically)

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thanks for helping, but it didn’t solve

You do need to sort the list :slight_smile: