Problem logging in with main page

I sign in then click log in and it goes to the main page, but seconds later it goes back to the log in/sig in screen
I need urgent help thank you

Show your blocks for the screen "principal"

can you help me with my problem

disable all clocks before switching a screen
PS: this is an imternational community... therefore before taking a screenshot switch the language to English next time... thank you...

I only have 1 clock in my project which is on the londing screen, after this screen it goes to the log in/sig in when logging in it goes to the main screen but seconds after the refresh it goes back to the log in/sig in screen

londing screen

There is your problem then, every time you visit the loading screen it will take you back to the sign in screen. You need to set a variable in a tinydb for first run, to stop this happening, or ask the user to press a button to continue to the login screen instead of using a clock.


my project starts on the loading screen (it has 1 clock that when completed the time changes screen), advances to the log in/sig in screen (in the image), when logging in progresses to another screen but seconds later it returns to the log in and sign in screen.
I'm new to the inventor app and I'm using firebase