Beginner here. Creating the "limitRange"-prozedure, I cannot 'create' the get-function with the names input, upperLimit and lowerLimit.
I am adding a screenshot with my efforts above so far and the tutorial below.
I'd be happy for any hints...
Beginner here. Creating the "limitRange"-prozedure, I cannot 'create' the get-function with the names input, upperLimit and lowerLimit.
I am adding a screenshot with my efforts above so far and the tutorial below.
I'd be happy for any hints...
You have to click on the blue gear in the upperleft of the procedure block. There you can add the names.
Thanks! That was humiliatingly easy...
Nevertheless - I am nearly half a century old and for the last four days I really enjoy to learn this.
Have a good day, Sir!
Hi there - I duly hope, I am not imposing on your time...
I'm somewhat "finished" re-creating the programming of the ColoredDots-App, but there's one failure-message showing up I don't understand (see screenshot):
I cannot put in the get-updatedList-command into the "valueToStore"-slot of the "TinyDB1.StoreValue"-call.
Your store value block has to be inside the local updatedlist block. Now it is outside.
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