Problem for appinventor

I have a question about a subject and a problem that happens to me and it is that I always try to start from any computer in my home investor it turns out that I get a connection error does anyone know how to deal with that issue?

Sorry for my english.

@Luis_Carlos_Cruz_Alv Are you located in Colombia? Can't reach the App inventor Site

We are receiving many complaints from Colombia users because an Internet Service Provider in Colombia is blocking the App Inventor 2 Web app.

ohh men thanks
thanks man for the information and is it possible to use it if i connect through a VPN?

I do not know. You could try. It appears the isp that is blocking App Inventor 2 probably prohibits an unsecure http: rather than an https: Web site. The AI Web app is http:

Thanks man the vpn if it is an option but I don’t know if it is illegal to use it but I recommend this method Thanks