Pro camera: The pro custom camera

Are you saving it from Image component (after taking a picture from the extension)? Show your relevant blocks...

Hello Arash,

Some phone cameras automatically "rotate" images after they are being taken. You have to flip them manually.

If you are using the Image component and you want to flip the component horizontally, you can use these:


Use this block after ProCamera has taken the image.

The Image's RotationAngle property is used to rotate the image.

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We first have to know that if he is using Image component, because is he saving it directly from the extension or not, that we do not know

This will not actually rotate the image.

Use Taifun's Image extension for actual rotate and resize of the image.

The images have to be in jpg format for the extension to work.


It only "shows" the component rotated, but that image is still not changed, the only thing changed is the component itself.

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A post was split to a new topic: Coding Languages needed to make an extension

A post was merged into an existing topic: Coding Languages needed to make an extension

gordon after using image 1 inset component


Can you give me a more accurate guide?

You should not be using Image, you should be using an arrangement (e.g. VerticalArrangement).

How about VerticalArrangement
Transfer the photo to the imagebox and rotate it and save it now !? :neutral_face:

Hard to rotate a VerticalArrangement. I do not think you cannot rotate its content.

Read the documentation.


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It will work with the Shared folder - but you may have got an incorrect path to it? You can also try the DCIM (Digital Camara Images) folder which some cameras use.

To what extent, what does that mean?

Re Tim's post. May require either a full path to the shared folder or a path to the App's own folder. Rudimentary given that the Extension is being re-written.

I don't understand what you are trying to tell me.

But as @Johannes_Ai2 and I said the path works

Julen's Project - it could have a typo, we can't necessarily see the whole path because of the text block's limited length. It's also possible that the camera defaults to a different directory, e.g. DCIM, or to the path mentioned by Tim.

I tested it on different devices (Android 9, 11) and it works with this path.

And it works completely without storage permissions on Android 11+ if the Image component is not used, but an extension to display the images.

....which doesn't sound right from a Google perspective. Possibly the App will be rejected by Play Store?

Not clear. Why should it?

The App stores images? Oh, your post is not clear - the Image component is for displaying not storing, so why would it have any effect on storage permissions?