Post file method doubt

Can anyone help in this .I am getting unprocessable entity on fast api when uploading image using this

Is this correct ?

Show the value of lastPath

Test (2).aia (165.6 KB)
sir plz check from this

Please provide details of the api and the endpoint required

no sir that is not correct i was trying to see different methods
sir lastpath=file://ASD/filename.jpeg

Try an absolute path for your postFile, remove the file:// from your path

then also its coming unprocessable entity
this is that endpoint
does that web1.postfile internally read that file or its just giving whole file

No, that is a small part of the processing code.

Please provide a link to the api. This will probably show an equivalent curl command ...

or is this your own php?

Google Colab this is link of api i am running

Thank you. Here is the problem:


The web component does not currently handle multipart uploads.

You can try using the webviewer with the webviewextra extension, but you will need to copy your files for upload to shared storage. (although you could test out the new list files from ASD feature)

can you provide me with that webviewer extra exentsion

does this web viewer is for what actually i am not working to display web page

And if i just need to upload 1 image why it is not happening with that postfile

as already answered

You would need to create an upload html page to be able to select the file. You can resize the webviewer and format the button to look like a part of your app.

actually i just wants to send my image as soon as the camera captures and i have tried to send by converting it to base64 and sended it using post text but it is giving me truncated image i dont know i think some data get lost in that. So i tried directly sending 1 image and why content type is multipart/form data i need only to send 1 image

I have advised you twice about this. It will not work with the web component.

Can you find another provider that does not require multipart/form ?

Because the API you are using is designed like that
