Possible Bug in MakeinstantFromParts on the days and hours of transition to DST in force

I am facing some problems with the definition of Date and Time for MakeinstantFromParts in some specific situations:

It doesn't happen in London -UTC- [GMT - Greenwich Mean Time] or [BST - British Summer Time], nor Berlin and other CET [Central European Time] or CEST [Central European Summer Time].

It doesn't happen in Chicago, Illinois, USA [CST - Central Standard Time] or [CDT - Central Daylight Time] nor in New York, NY, USA [EST - Eastern Standard Time] or [EDT - Eastern Daylight Time].

But the problem happens in »

»Cairo, Egypt » [EET Eastern European Time > UTC+2] & [EEST Eastern European Summer Time UTC+3] and in all the cities of Egypt that use this timezone.

»Santiago, Chile » CLT [Chile Standard Time> UTC-4] & CLST [Chile Summer Time> UTC-3] and in all cities in Chile that use this timezone.

The problem happens in both Companion and APK, on ​​Samsung & Poco devices with these versions »

The 2401 error message appears systematically in these cases and can be checked for these locations on DST transition dates »

... and also in any other date whose day corresponds to the entry into force of DST to these locations.

It is not advisable to use Emulators to test. Some Emulators will use their own timezone and not that of the device, which will give incorrect results of DST validity, as verified in an @Anke answer on this question, pointing to clarifications of the @ABG about this.

If you decide to change the timezone to test this, in some cases it will be necessary to restart your device, as I studied some details in this link gently supplied by @SteveJG In this topic.

When IANA launches a new set of timezone & DST Rules, Android's main library team generates patches to update versions and the system server process triggers an update check... that can be done at that time or not.

If during the tests, the moments in wich DST enters into force on the chosen timezone do not coincide with those informed at TimeAndDate » DST Changes for this location, it is likely to you need to restart the device.

This detail can make the problem quoted happen or not by testing several timezones.

To facilitate any tests is available a Dragable Block that can be tested with several dates and hours via Do It at Companion »

Is also available the *.aia file for those who want to install the project »

BUG_MakeInstantFromParts_in_DST_Hour.aia (2.7 KB)

The problem reported is very specific, regional, is not critical, does not cause a fatal error message and does not interrupt processing... but generates a brief unpleasant alert to the User who suggests that there was a programming error.

I do not have a very clear sense of what are all timezones / countries / cities affected by the reported problem, as tests to detect this are exhaustive.

I suspect the error message does not come from AI2 but from Android... but I don't have the slightest idea about how to get around this. I hope that by reporting the problem MIT can find some light. :bulb:

Thanks in advance information or screenshots of any tests that someone will have to perform on their device, informing the dates/hours and the tested timezone(s).




I think this was discussed in the past.

I hope I saved it in the Clock FAQ.

The consensus:
Daylight Savings Time is hard.
You need to know the political region in addition to the time zone.

Hi ABG :pray:

My post was flagged as off-to-topic, but I can't find what content is transgressed to community guidelines. It looks like I only have one chance to edit it.

Please, could you guide me so that I could understand what is the transgression and thus remove the content that was considered offensive or inappropriate?

I am facing a real problem for which I do not find a solution and everything I did was expose the problem in detail.

TKS :pray:



Ask @TimAI2.

Regarding the errors, DayLight Savings Time introduces rifts and folds in time, where hours and minutes of a day are converted into millisecods from 1970.

You need a map of the rifts to avoid them.

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OK. Tks :pray:

@TimAI2 does not accept direct messages.

I've tried everything to solve the issue, but there's no way. This was my only chance to know which other timezones the error happens or the reason it happens only in the informed places.

I estimate, then, that there is no possible edition I can make to remove the flag and make the post visible.




yes, because you tried to bump your original thread by writing

which is not allowed in the community

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OK, sorry...

I did not see this express guideline here

I will erase it. :pray:


and you succeeded in bumping your topic anyway, by asking why your post was flagged :wink:

I recommend checking the date against DST transition dates, and warning the user that they are entering a time period of unstable time rendering, and to ignore flashes of warning messages.

Alternatively, try adding a Screen1.ErrorOccurred event block and eat any errors coming from a Clock component?
(Have not tried this.)

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That was not the intention ...

I was just trying to understand what the transgression was.

I believe this »


"No-One Gets Left Behind" is really, right?



That has nothing to do with this.

Thanks @ABG

I will try this >


I hope it captures the error, even if it comes from Android.



TKS @ABG. This worked fine and it was sufficient to cancel the error message »


The answer about the reasons why this problem happens only with these time zones will be pending forever...




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