POS Extension - All in one Point of sale solution

Point of Sale Extension

The POS Extension is designed for advanced point-of-sale management, offering comprehensive tools for handling customer and product data. It features customer and product management, low stock alerts, CSV export/import, and sales processing, all aimed at streamlining inventory and sales operations. Ideal for businesses looking to optimize their POS system with efficient data handling and reporting capabilities.


  • Customer Management: Add, update, delete, and retrieve customer details.
  • Product Management: Add, update, delete, and view product details.
  • Low Stock Alerts: Set and get alerts for low stock levels.
  • CSV Export/Import: Export products and sales data to CSV; import product data from CSV.
  • Sales Processing: Process sales transactions and generate CSV receipts.
  • Reports: Generate sales reports in CSV format.

:jigsaw: Blocks

1. AddCustomer

Add a new customer to the system.

Parameter Type Description
name text Customer's name
email text Customer's email address
phone text Customer's phone number
address text Customer's address

2. AddProduct

Add a new product to the inventory.

Parameter Type Description
name text Product name
price number Price of the product
quantity number Available stock quantity

3. DeleteCustomer

Remove a customer from the system.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID

4. DeleteProduct

Remove a product from the inventory.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

5. ExportProductsToCSV

Export the product inventory to a CSV file.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text File path where the CSV will be saved

6. GenerateReceipt

Generate a receipt for a sale in CSV format.

Parameter Type Description
productId text ID of the sold product
quantity number Quantity sold
directoryPath text Directory path where the receipt will be saved

7. GenerateSalesReport

Generate a sales report in CSV format.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text File path where the report will be saved

8. GetAllCustomerIds

Retrieve a list of all customer IDs.

Return Type Description
list List of customer IDs

9. GetAllCustomerNames

Retrieve a list of all customer names.

Return Type Description
list List of customer names

10. GetCustomerDetails

Get detailed information about a customer by their ID.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID
Return Type Description
list List containing customer details: name, email, phone, address

11. GetLowStockProducts

Retrieve a list of products that are running low on stock.

Return Type Description
list List of low stock products

12. GetProductDetails

Get detailed information about a product by its ID.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID
Return Type Description
list List containing product details: name, price, quantity

13. ImportProductsFromCSV

Import product data from a CSV file.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text Path to the CSV file

14. ProcessSale

Process a sale transaction and generate a receipt.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID
quantity number Quantity sold

15. SetLowStockThreshold

Set the minimum stock threshold to trigger low stock alerts.

Parameter Type Description
threshold number The low stock threshold

16. UpdateCustomer

Update an existing customer’s details.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID
newName text New name of the customer
email text New email of the customer
phone text New phone number of the customer
address text New address of the customer

17. UpdateProduct

Update an existing product's details.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID
newName text New name of the product
price number Updated price
quantity number Updated stock quantity


1. CustomerAdded

Triggered when a customer is successfully added.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID

2. CustomerAlreadyExists

Triggered if a customer with the same email already exists.

Parameter Type Description
email text Customer's email

3. CustomerDeleted

Triggered when a customer is successfully deleted.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID

4. CustomerNotFound

Triggered if the customer cannot be found.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID

5. CustomerUpdated

Triggered when customer details are successfully updated.

Parameter Type Description
id text Customer's unique ID

6. DataExportSuccess

Triggered when data is successfully exported.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text Path to the exported file

7. DataImportSuccess

Triggered when data is successfully imported.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text Path to the imported file

8. InsufficientStock

Triggered if there is insufficient stock for a sale.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

9. LowStockProductsFound

Triggered when products with low stock are detected.

Parameter Type Description
products list List of low stock products

10. LowStockThresholdSet

Triggered when the low stock threshold is successfully set.

Parameter Type Description
threshold number The set threshold

11. NoLowStockProducts

Triggered when no products are detected as low stock.

12. PermissionError

Triggered when a permission error occurs.

Parameter Type Description
error text Error message

13. ProductAdded

Triggered when a product is successfully added.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

14. ProductAlreadyExists

Triggered if a product with the same name already exists.

Parameter Type Description
name text Product name

15. ProductDeleted

Triggered when a product is successfully deleted.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

16. ProductDetailsRetrieved

Triggered when product details are successfully retrieved.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

| text | Product name | |price | number | Product price | |quantity` | number | Available stock quantity |

17. ProductNotFound

Triggered if the product cannot be found.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

18. ProductUpdated

Triggered when product details are successfully updated.

Parameter Type Description
id text Product's unique ID

19. ReceiptGenerated

Triggered when a sale receipt is successfully generated.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text Path to the generated receipt

20. SaleProcessed

Triggered when a sale is successfully processed.

Parameter Type Description
productId text Product's unique ID
quantity number Quantity sold
totalAmount number Total amount of the sale

21. SalesReportGenerated

Triggered when a sales report is successfully generated.

Parameter Type Description
filePath text Path to the generated sales report

Toget the extension and view documentation follow this link: Download


Runs out of block images half way through ?

It was sent by mistake i was editing.

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Where can I find the full documentation and download link for the extension?


Here's the link you can download and see complete documentation here

Hi i want to edit this topic but unable to do why?

You missed your chance, as a trust level 1 user. I have added the link to your first post..

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Hi, can´t download extension, i get this message

The specified key does not exist.

No such object: react-af833.appspot.com/devxlabs1/1721481950087/POSExtension.aix

Try this link (The Gold download icon on the right) on the same page, under versions:

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Thank you TIMAI2, now I got it.