My game has a draggable sprite, I want it to point upwards when the player drags it upwards, etc, for any angle.
Is there a simple way to do that?
Set the Rotates property of the image sprite to true
If true, the sprite image rotates to match the sprite’s heading. If false, the sprite image does not rotate when the sprite changes heading. The sprite rotates around its centerpoint.
Well, it isn't working for me, I thought that some part of the code could be interfering, so to be sure, I created a new project, added a canvas and a sprite, left "Rotates" enabled, and even added code to enable "Rotates"
temp.aia (670.0 KB)
Set the heading property accordingly
If true, the sprite image rotates to match the sprite’s heading. If false, the sprite image does not rotate when the sprite changes heading. The sprite rotates around its centerpoint.
ok, so what's a simple way to set the heading value to the direction that the sprite is being dragged?
Thanks a lot, that gave the result I was looking for
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