Please help ! Username Validation Implementation

This is my blocks section for implementing a Username Character Validation. I dont want the user to enter more than or less than 8 and 10 words respectievely. This I have already implemented. But I also want the user to use only Alphabets and Numbers in their Username. Please help me implement this. Also, please try to not use any extensions. Pleaseeee...

Create a CSV of alphabets and numbers.
Then run a for loop and check if the textbox only contains text from the list.
If yes, then it is valid, if no, then send a notifier.

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Try this:

Or if also no (-) is allowed:


Here you go, no extensions ...

Capture1 Capture2 Capture3 Capture4 text_validator.aia (4.0 KB)


Idea similar to @Alaqmar_Bohori



Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I loved each and everyone's solution. I am pretty confused who's to implement. I'll try each of them and see which works best. Thank you everyone. I mean really Thank you. :smiley:

Each suggestion is a different way of answer to this problem

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