I need your help, I want to search TinyBD records, it's a mini notes app and I want it to search the records by their date, to do it I want to use a text box, a button, and a label to show the results, how do I do it?
this is my first score button
this is my second score button
this is my button to visualize results
This is the general structure, I am interested in the search by DATE part
What about use date as the tag? in this case, you will just need to retrieve data with the tag of date.
button1 for save notes, button2 for get note with some date.
I want all the notes that have the same date in the label to be displayed with their content, but in the search engine I want the user to add the date and with that the labels of that date appear
this is exactly what my code did.
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I'll try it, I really appreciate you taking the time to help!!!1
When I press the second search button it looks like this, why?
that's what you saved in tinyDB.