Please Help Me Prevent Error Message


I have been running in circles with this simple app that connects to the National Weather Service website and extracts weather data from a local server. This works fine with minimal bells and whistles. After granting access, the app will connect in about 15 seconds, displaying the local weather station at the top and three points of data, Temp F, Humidity, and Inches of mercury. No Problem.

However . . . if I leave the range of my WIFI signal I get the error displayed below. Would someone more knowledgeable than I please show me where in my code I could insert something like an "if no WiFi, display a text label to that effect" until connected again?" The error reappears intermittently until WIFI is re-established, and I would so very much like to eliminate it. Thank you for any direction leading to success.

Connection_Help.aia (2.3 MB)

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Hey There,

I don't understand it but I stuck it in my code and created a text label that says "Internet is Currently Unavailable." I linked the label to the "then' slot of the if/then statement and, OMG . . . it lives and the error was relegated to a farm in upstate New York;). Thank you so much!

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