Where do you want to generate the ID, in app, or on the google sheet ( I would guess google sheet which would then ensure continuity)?
What format will you use to generate the ID ?
The premise will be that you either have a formula in A1 that fills the column (means that ID's will change if you delete a record in the middle), this is good if you want to "match" the style with an App Inventor list index. Or you run a script/formula each time a new record is created. How are you creating/addin/deleting records ? If using my CRUD web app, it would be easy enough to add a row at the beginning of your new record with a generated ID. Google Firebase devs provide a nice script that they use for their time based data ids.
var r="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",e=0,t=[];
return function(){var o=(new Date).getTime(),n=o===e;e=o;for(var a=new Array(8),h=7;h>=0;h--)a[h]=r.charAt(o%64),o=Math.floor(o/64);
if(0!==o)throw new Error("convert entire timestamp");
var f=a.join("");if(n){for(h=11;h>=0&&63===t[h];h--)t[h]=0;t[h]++}else for(h=0;h<12;h++)t[h]=Math.floor(64*Math.random());
return f}}();